I have started in multiple areas of Graphic Design. Both in Vector and Raster version of the computer graphics dimensions of visual representation of the data. Applied to a full spectrum of applications. Ranging from the printing output. Web Design. And Package Design.

End up specialising in photo realistic facial animation for film and interactive experience. Understanding at this stage time based media. Audio.

Visual Effects and Motion Design has put me in touch with knowing how to interpret imaginative realities by the means of digital technology.

Vehicle Motion Capture. Virtual Spaces. Augmented Reality and Simulators all had an effective drive towards understanding the potential of Computer Generated Content. For training or Education.

First attempt in making facial animation driven narrative film White Storm was my proof this my life’s calling.

And I have decided to learn everything about the world’s best standard for telling my story.
Started with learning the foundation. And the details of the eye bio-mechanics.

Bringing the soul to the movement.

So I had to go through fire to back the bus and go after another round.

I had to re-design everything.

Draw eyes…
Going further I have pressed on the higher level degree in this craft.

Looking closer and closer. Working…

I did it. And I have learned the highest level of facial animation technology. Design. And Narratology.

Turning my vision into the work of art. And once I have recovered …

I have found Freedom